Friday, April 14, 2006

First Hot day!

Did the first hot run of the year. Temp was 90 degrees and slightly humid. Decided to train in it since the summer runs are always miserable to race in.

Did an easy 4 miler and kept it at an easy 7:20 pace.

Have 10 planned on both Sat and Sun and look forward to both Easter and Passover.

I wish everyone the best of both! Enjoy the day.

90!!! WOW. That's some serious heat already! I'm heading to AZ Monday and it's about that in Phoenix--not as humid though. I'm going to try and hold 7:20 for a 5K tomorrow--send me some of your 7:20 vibes! Won't feel so easy for me though...ha ha :)
Enjoy the running weekend!
Enjoy the running week end careful with the hot weather. Have a good Easter
I just found your blog. Good luck!! Once Advair starts working it will change your life. After spending 3-4 times a year in the emergency room, I started it in 2002. After 40 slothful years, I finally am a runner, and I credit 40% to Advair, 40% to my Dr., and 20% to the dry, NM climate. My major allergens were grass and mold, so I left the Eastern US for good. Dust bothers me a bit here, but not as much as the others did. I use my rescue inhaler maybe once every 2 months, but usually only after a bit of tightness in my chest. I'm never aware that I even have asthma any more. Sorry this is so long, and again, good luck!
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