Friday, May 12, 2006


Here is my Las Vegas Marathon Training schedule. I will tweak it here and there and add more miles probably in the beginning but it more or less is the plan I intend on following. Hopefully our fellow blogger, Running Rabbit, will now publish her training schedule for her marathon! I am a big believer in having a training schedule and measuring yourself against it. The trick for me is the speed work. It is easier to do it with others.

Enjoy the day everyone!

Yay, successful upload!

I like all the days of the plan except Sundays, really. Mondays are best!
All Right Already...I'm on it!
:-) But I am afraid fellow bloggers won't be able to read it. I want to figure out how to put it in my sidebar...any help on that??
Schedule looks good! I like the way you have built the races into the schedule. Some of those long runs are really long. If I get my ankle problem straightened out, I might be able to try that. Otherwise, they would set me back a few days. I have problems after a 20 mile run.
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