Thursday, July 20, 2006

New twist to running.

Yesterday I went to the Dr for some minor stuff (rash on my leg that doesn't want to clear up) and the kind Dr must have read Running Susan's blog and decided he wanted to poke and probe on me as a tribute to Susan's ongoing medical experiments. So a gallon of blood later and 90 minutes after they decided to use me for a human pin cushion they came back and decided to send the blood work out. The tests all came back normal except for one little thing, my blood sugar was elevated on the high end. Being naive and not knowing much about blood sugar. So after I said the obvious, what the hell does that mean, Dr. Frankenstien, calmly says it means you might be diabetic and need to go on insulin. He asked if I been tired and having soreness in the back or stomach ( well duh, I run in the 100 degree weather who wouldnt be tired plus work and life, and yes I have soreness in the back above the kidney's).

So the hemoglobin (or however you spell that ugly word) results come in Friday. It will be interesting to see what they are!

The only question to ask is there a point to life without chocolate and cheesecake and if I need insulin will it make me faster? Bad enough I need stupid asthma medication to run (breathing unfortunately is still a necessary) but the thought of needing additional medication doesn't thrill me much. However if it makes me faster might be worth it.

Enjoy the day everyone!

wow Kurt...that is a bit of some troubling news. Slightly high blood sugar doesn't usually lead to insulin. Perhaps you will need nothing..or an oral medication like glucophag that will support your pancreas. Please keep us posted as to the outcome!


as someone who lives with a diabetic,its not the end of the world. if its only slightly elevated, they will start with oral meds first. then if the # cannot be controlled, then they go to insulin. (this is what happened to dave). Glucophage is a great drug as are a bunch of others. As long as you are watching the numbers, you CAN still have the occassional cheesecake and beer. just keep track on the numbers and you will be fine. contact me offline if you want to talk about it more....

I hope everything turns out fine for you. Maybe your test results will come back normal and Dr. Frankenstein just gave you a diabetic scare.

Let us know what happens with your results!
I hope the test result was just an anamoly.
Kurt, honey you can still have that cheesecake and chocolate...just in moderation. How 'bout sugar free?
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