Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Wed Ladder work out.

Due to flying on Thursday I moved my Thursday track work to Wednesday.

Today I did the following:

1 mile warm up

1 mile @6:40
1200m @ 4:50
800m @ 3:13
400m @ 85 sec
200m @40 sec

Each of the recovery runs was a 90 second jog of 200 meters

1 mile cool down

Total miles for the a.m. 5 miles

Tonight I do the slower 4-5 miles to get the rest of my mileage in.

Enjoy the day everyone.

Not bad...wish I could do some track work, but they are under snow and frozen still...
Not too shabby :)

Hope the second 4-5 mile run went well.
I'm so behind on reading blogs . . I'm laughing so hard that you thought 'she' was a 'he'. I actually register for races under the name and get mail addressed to 'Ginger Breadman'. I'd love to rock my world at Boston - your comments make me happy. I'm scared with injuries, though - life happens.

So, this 'flying' that you mentioned interrupting your track workouts . . could this possibly be a new form of cross-training?
Hope you have a safe trip...where-ever you are going!

Nice track workout....I really should do them.
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