Sunday, July 02, 2006

Freedom Run 5K results

Yesterday I ran the 26th annual freedom run 5K here in North Carolina. As I indicated an earlier post it was miserably hot and humid (temps were in upper 80's with 97% humidity) for the race. This is the one course that I have never broken 20 min on and had every intention of doing it when I ran it.

Unfortunately while I ran my best time on this course it was still 20:11 for finish time so it will have to wait to next year for my goal of breaking it. I finished 23rd out of 332 runners and 5th in the age group (M 45-49) so no hardware for me this year. The ironic thing was I thought the competition would be a little less in the new age group but I still finished ahead of the first male in the 40-44 age group. Oh well at least it was fun, hot and a good work up for the Tri Span 10K next week.

I ran an easy 8 miles this morning to relax and recover from the race and will be at the beach this afternoon. Turning out to be a pretty relaxing day for me.

Enjoy the day everyone.

Congrats for the great and fast race. Don't worry, in my region (Lazio, capital is Rome) it is the same, the fastest runners are in the 45/49 a.g. But by this year I am in the 50/54!!!!!!
Way to stick it out on a tough day! Yeah, I used to think it would get EASIER when I got older---HA HA! No such luck. 30s and 40s are FAST people!
11 seconds off? Not too shabby at all, but I know that's not what you wanted. :-)
Not bad for a hot and humid race...don't beat yourself up too bad on the 11 seconds, it was miserable conditions. It's kind of like the 1:55 I was off of BQ...we'll both get that point, just wait till the next race!
At least the pre-race was uneventful!
Congrats... great result, even without hardware. It's been a while since I've done an "easy 8 miles" :)
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